Discipline and
Counseling Team

Our discipline and counseling team cultivates students’ positive attitudes and values, enhances their self-confidence, self-discipline and develops their sense of belonging to YYPS. Our team works on both discipline and counseling seamlessly to promote the holistic development of our students. Through appropriate consequences and rewards, students understand and improve by following various school rules.

YYPS places great emphasis on nurturing students’ love and compassion and shaping them as life values through learning activities and daily routines. We believe that all students have different potentials, and we aim to inspire them through activities and programs that meet their growing needs and help them cope with challenges in their changing life situations.

Our D&C teachers, including SEN teachers and social works work together to achieve the following:

our Belief

Classroom is
students’ home

All of our students are assigned to take up various roles and duties in their own classroom. They also decorate and organize their homeroom space together with their class teachers. As our students learn to contribute, they develop a sense of duty and responsibility.

Our parents
are partners

We communicate frequently with our parents to ensure that we are always on point when it comes to providing optimal support for our students. We believe that the healthy development of our students depends heavily on our mutual effort with our parents. PTA members and parent volunteers also assist the school often when it comes to carrying out school-wide activities, such as Storytelling Moms and Dads, Chinese Day Fun Fair, festival decorations etc.


We are so proud to announce we have received the Inviting School Awards in 2019 and 1st Inviting School Silver Fidelity Award in 2021. Since the academic year of 18/19, we have actively promoted Invitational Education (IE) in our school through the 5Ps – People, Places, Policies, Programs and Processes. We aim to enhance both the academic and whole person development for our students by creating a caring culture and stimulating learning environment that emphasizes care, respect, trust and optimism.

Our students are
future leaders

Our students are leaders of the future. We prepare them by providing various student leadership and mentorship programs. Student leaders of the D&C Team include Prefects, Big Brother and Sisters and Caring Ambassadors. All of our senior students will have an opportunity to volunteer and service fellow schoolmates.


Caring Ambassadors Program
Caring ambassadors are student leaders selected from P5 and P6 tasked to promote love and caring campus. Regular school-wide activities are organized by Caring Ambassadors such as Star of the Month and Game Booths in order to enhance the sense of community at YYPS. Caring Ambassadors are also tasked to provide support and assistance to our P2 students.
Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Big Brothers and Big Sisters are mentors who provide guidance and assistance for our P1 students. Through companionship, our Big Brothers and Big Sisters help our P1 students develop important life skills such as self-care, self-studying and social skills. They strive to create a loving and caring environment for the younger students so that they can adapt to primary school life more easily and become active members of YYPS.


To instill leadership in our senior students, we recruit students who are willing to serve and help the school community to join our Prefect Team every year. This year, there are 68 prefects including 4 Head prefects and 4 Vice Head Prefects. Their main jobs are to help teachers to manage the student body.
Cub Scouts
The Cub Scouts program aims to provide our students with challenging and progressive training programmes for their physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development.
Brownie Guides
Students between P3 – P6 are invited to become a Brownie Guide! Through performing duties in conducting ceremonies and voluntary services, our Brownie Guides learn to contribute to the community.