January 2, 2024


The Big One-Oh! Jr. 音樂劇節目 | 2023 音樂劇課程融合了多種表演藝術形式。 無論是通過歌唱、動作還是發音,學生都可以通過不同的藝術媒介來表達他們的情感和思想。 學習戲劇可以培養學生獨立思考和解決問題的能力。 通過嚴格的歌唱、舞蹈和表演訓練,我們期望可以培養學生成為多才多藝的表演者,在舞台上發光發亮。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKB9tVCYEcc&pp=ygUEeXlwcw%3D%3D 幕後花絮 https://youtu.be/h7zvmZPRCeg
January 2, 2024


The Big One-Oh! Jr. Musical Theatre Program | 2023 The Musical Theatre program is an integration of many forms of performing arts. Be it through singing, […]
December 21, 2023

Our basketball team got the second runner-up!

Our basketball team got the second runner-up at the【Primary School Basketball Invitational Tournament】Congratulations!
December 21, 2023

Our football team got the Merit Award!

Our football team got the Merit Award at the【Tuen Mun District Inter-Primary Schools Futsal Competition】Congratulations!
December 20, 2023

Our Junior Cheerleading Team got Silver Award!

Our Junior Cheerleading Team got Silver Award at the【The Blue Bird Cup 2023 Dance Competition】Congratulations!
December 20, 2023

P5-6 English Harmonic Speaking Team got the CHAMPION!

December 20, 2023

YYPS has been awarded the 2023 IAIE Fidelity Award!

YYPS has been awarded the 2023 IAIE Fidelity Award! Congratulations!
December 17, 2023

P3 & P4 Harmonic Speaking Team got the CHAMPION!

Our P3 & P4 Harmonic Speaking Team was the CHAMPION at the 【75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival】 Congratulations! 恭喜本校小三及小四英文集誦隊於【第75屆香港學校朗誦節】獲得冠軍殊榮 !
December 4, 2023

P2 Putonghua Choral Speaking Team got the CHAMPION!

Our P2 Putonghua Choral Speaking Team got the CHAMPION at the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival! Congratulations! 恭喜本校小二中文集誦隊於【第75屆香港學校朗誦節】獲得冠軍的榮譽成績!